The Best Place to Begin Your Home Improvement Efforts: The Roof


According to a recent survey conducted amongst 1,500 homeowners in the United Kingdom, shown below are the most sought-after improvement options in 2018:

  1. Lavatory renovations
  2. Kitchen remodels
  3. HVA Upgrades
  4. Attic conversions and loft transformations
  5. Structural expansions (such as a bump-out in the den)

Shockingly, the subject of “roofing renovations” didn’t even crack the top ten but it’s worth mentioning the fact that your roofing solution is pivotal in terms of upholding your home’s resale value and increasing on-site energy efficiency. If you have short of ideas about home maintenance, and interior designing, visit this website for useful information.

Resale Value

If you partner with a locally respected roofing company in Virginia Waters, for instance, you’ll be able to considerably boost your home’s listing price and make it much more desirable on the open market.

Simply by restoring your property’s roof, you can bump up your home’s appraisal value by as much as €15,400 and achieve an ROI of up to 90%, which makes it a very valuable option when compared side by side with the abovementioned alternatives. Are you interested in learning more about home renovation? Visit this dedicated website for further details.

Energy Efficiency

Arguably, the most obscured benefit of a new roof is the fact that it can also alleviate the financial strain on your utility budget throughout the year:

  • Once your roof reaches eight to 12 years of age, you’ll begin to notice incremental increases in terms of your monthly energy expenditures.
  • If you don’t rectify the insulation issues and architectural problems, your boiler and air conditioning unit will have to operate for longer periods of time to maintain a normal interior temperature.
  • A 2017 energy analysis indicated that your roof could account for roughly 22%-41% of heating and cooling loss in your home (depending on the square meters of your property and the local climate), which adds up to thousands of pounds wasted on energy costs per year.

Thus, if you’d like to start making intelligent, economical investments into your building, be sure to book a site evaluation with local roofing experts before moving on to the other aspects of your property. Do not forget to visit this website for detailed information about roofing, interior design, and decor as well.